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Wasteland taxi

This was a quick project done on a whim. I was shopping, walked through the toy section of the supermarket, and my eye was caught by a small 3€ toy London taxi. I had no idea what I was going to do with it, but I knew I wanted to do something with it!


Then two days later Mad Max Fury road came out. The cars' fate was sealed: it was going to get pimped for post-apocalyptic desert life.


I wrenched out the plastic windscreen and replaced that and the windows with fine mesh. The boot of the car was ripped out and replaced with a flatbed piled with random stuff sticking out from under a tarpaulin. The wheels saw makeshift caterpillar tracks being tacked onto them. The bodywork received extra armor plates and a bit of damage. The bonnet got drilled out and an increased air intake vent was built over the hole. Finally, the flimsy bumper was torn off and replaced with a custom built cattle catcher (doubles up as a dust plough and an enemy rammer at no extra cost).


The base was quickly botched together with plaster rocks and miscellaneous earth and gravel flock.


During the painting process, the aim was to test several weathering products I had recently acquired. Verdict: I'm quite happy with how this turned out!

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